Hello, Everyone. Glad you decided to stop by and visit. My Nickname is Master Ninja. Mom and Dad gave me that name because I've always loved martial arts and hope someday to be a true ninja but for now I'm still in training.
I've had a great summer and am ready for school. I'll be a third grader this year. I like roller blading, riding my bike, swimming, running and best of all martial arts.
I began my martial art's training at age 6. I attended a local Tang Soo Do karate school for a year, where I earned a blue belt.. My Dad then decided it was time for me to change the style of art I was studying. So, I switched to a local Shoryin-Ryu karate school. Where I have been for about 6 months.
Here I get to learn weapons. while studying the "small forest way" (Okinawah Karate). The belt system here is a little different but Sensei allowed me to start the school with a green belt (which is the same as the blue belt level in Tang Soo do). I have since earned two levels of achievement ; green belt stripe and now a blue belt. It's alot of hard work but you have alot of fun too. (smile)
My Dad is also a Sensei, he teaches San Soo Kung Fu. He says it's good to have alot of different training in the martial arts world. I learn lessons from him too. Martial arts not only teaches me how to protect myself but it teaches me to be the best person I can be in all that I do.